Why is My Dog Vomiting in Canton, GA?

Has your dog been vomiting? Are you worried about what could be causing this behavior? Vomiting is often a symptom of an underlying problem, so it’s important to try to get to the bottom of the issue before it gets out of hand.

In this article, we’ll walk you through some of the most common causes of dog vomiting you might encounter with your pet. Read through this list and see if you can narrow down the possibilities yourself, then choose whether it’s time to call the vet based on this information.

dog vomiting in canton, ga


Possible Reasons for Vomiting

There could be many reasons causing a dog to throw up and we will go through some of the most common.

Bacterial or Viral Disease/Parasites

Bacterial or viral diseases are some of the most common causes of vomiting in dogs. If your dog has been vaccinated against parvovirus and other serious, fatal canine illnesses, the condition is probably a lesser disease that isn’t quite as concerning. Even so, she will need to be treated by the veterinarian.

Intestinal or digestive parasites can also cause vomiting. if your dog has any type of worms or parasites in her digestive system, she may vomit, have diarrhea, and lose her appetite. These problems can also easily be treated by working with your vet and medicating your dog.

Food Allergy

Some dogs may vomit from food allergies. If you suspect your dog might have a food allergy, pay attention to when she vomits. Is she vomiting shortly after she eats every time? If so, this may be a good sign she is allergic to or intolerant of one or more ingredients in her food.

Food allergies in dogs are commonly associated with skin conditions and poor coat health. If your dog’s vomiting is accompanied by itching, hair loss, or dull coat, then these are all further signs she is probably dealing with a food allergy.


Although it is much less common than other possibilities on this list, cancer is still a possibility when it comes to dog vomiting. If your dog is vomiting uncontrollably very often, this may be a sign that there’s something serious going on, and cancer could be the cause.

You will need to work closely with your veterinarian to diagnose your pet and figure out the proper treatment plan as well. Depending on the type of cancer in question, your pet may need to undergo surgery, chemotherapy, or both.

Ingestion of a Toxin

Your dog may potentially ingest a toxic substance or a poisonous plant or food item. If this happens, she may vomit as her body tries to get rid of the toxin she has eaten. In some cases, this vomiting behavior is enough to help your dog recover from eating something dangerous; in others, however, she will need emergency vet care to recover fully.

Dogs who vomit significantly from the ingestion of a toxin may also be at risk of dehydration. Take your pet to the emergency vet immediately if you think your dog has eaten something toxic or if you know what she ate.

Overeating or Eating Garbage

If your dog is the type who likes to eat so much that she makes herself sick from it, this could be the cause of her vomiting. Do not free-feed dogs like this, but instead make sure you monitor closely how much she eats. Don’t leave her food out where she can get into it, either, or you might come home to a half-eaten bag of dog food and a sick dog.

Eating garbage is another common cause of vomiting in dogs. Even if the food your dog eats isn’t poisonous, it can still cause vomiting if it’s spoiled or too rich for her.

Gastric or Intestinal Obstruction

Gastric or intestinal obstruction is another possible cause of a dog’s vomiting. This could happen if a dog eats a foreign object such as fabric, a leash or part of a toy and is especially common in young dogs. If your dog consumed any of these items be sure to let your veterinarian know and they might recommend a dog endoscopy to diagnose the obstruction.

No Reason

Finally, some dogs may vomit for no reason at all. If your dog vomits once and seems to be completely fine and normal afterward, this is perfectly standard dog behavior and is nothing to worry about. Watch your dog for the next couple of days, but if no more vomiting occurs, you can assume she vomited for no real reason.

Some dogs may get upset stomachs sometimes just like humans do, and this can contribute to vomiting with no discernible reason. If this behavior doesn’t occur frequently, there’s no reason to worry, and you don’t have to take your dog to the vet for this type of vomiting either.

Keep an Eye on Your Dog

With so many different potential causes of vomiting in dogs, it’s easy to see why pet owners can get alarmed by this behavior. Just remember that vomiting isn’t always indicative of something serious–but it can be, so it’s important to talk to your vet as soon as possible if your dog is vomiting often.

Take your dog to the vet for a full checkup to find out what’s causing her vomiting. From there, the vet can help you choose the right treatment or management plan for the condition she is diagnosed with moving forward.
To book an appointment for your dog’s vomiting at Riverstone Animal Hospital call (770) 479-7141 or use the online form!