5 Signs Your Cat Could Have Allergies in Canton, GA

Not every pet owner is aware that their pet can have allergies. You might suffer from hay fever each season, and your pet could also have seasonal allergies, just like you do. Cats can also have allergies to food or their environment, just like people can.

If you think that your cat might have allergies, you could be uncertain about what to look for to determine if they are experiencing allergies. Cats with allergies can display a variety of different symptoms, which can make it hard to get a diagnosis at first. You will probably need to work with your veterinarian to figure out what is causing your cat’s allergies. The more that you know about the symptoms that can be associated with cat allergies, the better off you will be when trying to figure out whether your cat is allergic to something or not.

Cat allergies can be hard to diagnose, and you will likely have to do a careful elimination plan to remove possible allergens from your cat’s environment until you see an improvement in their symptoms. Be ready to be patient and take the time to sort out the cause of your cat’s allergies so that they can feel better in the long run. While there are various medications that can help your cat to feel better while you are trying to figure out what is causing their allergies, you will want to get to the root of the problem to help them to feel their best each day.

allergies in cats in canton, ga


1. Itchiness and Sensitive Skin

Cats that have allergies will often scratch frequently, and they might even pull out their hair. Your cat might also have dandruff and might act upset when you try to touch them. Cats with allergies often have very sensitive skin, or their itchiness is so intense that they feel very uncomfortable.

Excessive itching or grooming can be a sign of some other problems as well, such as fleas. You will need to look at your cat’s skin and see if you are able to detect signs of flea infestation so that you can get a better idea of why they are showing these symptoms.

2. Sneezing and Runny Eyes

Cats can have seasonal allergies, just like people, or your cat might show an allergic reaction by having a snotty nose and runny eyes. You might think your cat has a cold, and your vet can rule out a respiratory infection and diagnose allergies if this is the reason for your cat’s sneezing and watery eyes. This kind of allergic reaction can be greatly improved with antihistamines, but you will still need to figure out what is causing your cat’s allergies to help them to feel better for the long term.

3. Diarrhea and Vomiting

If your cat has food allergies, they could be itchy and pull out their hair, but they might also show signs of gastric distress like diarrhea and vomiting. A change in food can often make all the difference when it comes to food allergies, but you might want to take your cat to the vet to rule out things like parasites and poisoning before you assume that these symptoms are related to a food allergy alone. It can take some time to see an improvement in food-based allergies as well, so you will need to be patient if your pet is suffering from a food-based allergic issue.

4. Bald Spots

Some cats will not seem like they are not feeling well, and you might not even see them scratching. However, your cat could still be pulling out their hair due to their allergies, and this will show up as bald patches that seem to crop up out of nowhere. There are some other skin conditions that can cause this kind of condition too, so you will want to take your cat to the vet to have some tests done to identify the cause of the bald spots. If you choose to ignore this symptom, you might find that your cat will get secondary skin infections and suffer from other health risks.

5. Erratic Behavior

Some cats can be really upset by being itchy, and your cat might become aggressive or seem angry when you try to touch them or look at them. Some cats will also hide out and try to avoid contact with anyone else in the house because they are not feeling well. This can also be a symptom of a variety of more serious health conditions, so you should take your cat to see the vet if they are acting strangely or hiding out. While your cat could easily be acting so oddly due to being uncomfortable, your cat also might be suffering from other health concerns that are making them hide out or become aggressive.

Cat Allergies Can Take Time to Resolve

Make sure that you are prepared to take the time to figure out why your cat is suffering from allergies. While your vet can prescribe medications that will help your cat to feel better in the short term, you will still need to figure out what is causing your cat to feel sick. This might be a detergent, a food they are eating, another animal in the home, or even seasonal allergens. Knowing what is causing your cat’s bout with allergies can help them to fully recover and can make it easier for you to treat any future flares of their allergies.

Since cats can be tough to diagnose when they are not feeling well, you should always consider involving your vet in the diagnosis process. They can rule out other health issues that might be confused with allergies, which is just as important as finding out what is causing your cat’s allergic reaction. Be prepared to take a few weeks to figure out what is behind your cat’s allergies, and you should have no trouble figuring out what is causing their allergic reaction.

Give your Riverstone Animal Hospital veterinarian a call at (770) 479-7141 if your cat seems to have allergies!