How to Tell if Your Dog Has Allergies in Canton, GA: Symptoms to Watch For

Do you suspect your dog could have allergies? Are you looking for more information about which signs and symptoms might help you determine this? If so, we are here to help!

In the article below, you’ll find a list of some of the most common symptoms of allergies in dogs. These symptoms span a variety of allergies including contact allergies, seasonal allergies, and food allergies. You can use this information to figure out which problem might be affecting your dog and when you want to discuss it more with your veterinarian.

Contact Dog Allergy Symptoms

Licking and Chewing Feet

If your dog has contact allergies, he will likely chew his feet or lick them frequently. This is because his feet are more likely to come in contact with whatever he is allergic to than most of the rest of his body. When your dog’s feet itch, he will chew them to try to stop the itching.


Some dogs with contact allergies may break out in a rash. It might be difficult to tell whether your dog has a rash on his skin, however, depending on how long his hair is. Part his fur in several locations on his body and check for signs of rash.

Itchy Skin

Your dog may scratch himself generally if he has contact allergies. Scratching of the whole body may also be a sign of a variety of other conditions, including flea infestations, so you should have your dog checked carefully by a vet if he is exhibiting this sign.

Patchy Hair Loss

If your dog has a contact allergy that is affecting only a certain part of his body, the fur may fall off that part of his body only. This patchy hair loss is usually associated with rashes and flaky skin, but not always. If you notice this symptom, you may need vet help.

Dog Allergies in Canton, GA


Seasonal Dog Allergy Symptoms


Sneezing is the most common seasonal allergy symptom in dogs. However, sneezing is also associated with a wide range of other illnesses as well as with normal everyday dog behavior. Therefore, this symptom alone doesn’t necessarily indicate allergies, although it can give you some idea.

Runny Nose and Watery Eyes

If your dog has a runny nose or watery eyes, especially if these symptoms coincide with sneezing, then he likely has seasonal allergies. You should take him to the vet, however, in case he is suffering from another health condition causing these symptoms.

Itchy Face and Snout

When a dog has seasonal allergies, he may develop an itchy face just like humans sometimes do. His snout may become very itchy. He may rub his face and snout on furniture or on the floor to try to scratch the itch. Watch him closely to be sure his snout and face do not swell, and if they do, go to the emergency vet right away.

Symptoms That Come and Go

One tell-tale sign of seasonal allergies is that your dog’s symptoms come and go rather than remaining all the time. The symptoms on this list are all most likely associated with seasonal allergies when they occur only at certain times of the year or only when your dog has been outside.

Food Dog Allergy Symptoms

Poor Coat Condition

Food allergies commonly cause poor coat health and a poor coat condition in dogs. This may include dandruff, lack of shine in the fur, hair loss, fur thinning, or overly shedding.

Itchy Skin

A dog with food allergies may also develop itchy skin. This symptom can, of course, be associated with other allergies as well as other illnesses, so you’ll need to have your vet check your dog thoroughly to determine whether or not the cause of his itching is a food allergy.

Digestive Troubles

Just like humans, dogs with food allergies and food intolerances may be prone to more digestive issues in their lives. Your dog may vomit or have diarrhea often, especially after eating, or he may have a lot of gas when he eats. All these signs may point to a food allergy, but your vet can give you more accurate information.

Talk with a Vet About Your Dog’s Allergies

As with any health and wellbeing issue for your dog, it’s important to work with your vet to figure out the root cause of the problem and the best solution as well. A trusted vet who knows you and your dog can be an asset when dealing with any health problems, including those as simple as allergies.

If you have any further questions, concerns, or need to find a treatment option for your dog, bring up his allergies at his next regularly scheduled vet visit. And of course, if he suffers any serious allergy attacks before then, take him to the vet right away. Book an appointment at Riverstone Animal Hospital by calling (770) 479-7141 or using the online form!